Conveyor - Intuitive Python pipelines

Conveyor is a multiprocessing framework for creating intuitive data pipelines. With Conveyor, you can easily create stream-based pipelines to efficiently perform a series of operations on data, a task especially useful in the fields of machine learning and scientific computing. Creating a pipelined job is as easy as writing a function.

Why use Conveyor?

The answer is simple: throughput. It’s like putting a second load of laundry in the washer while a previous load is in the dryer. By breaking down a problem into smaller serial tasks, we perform the smaller tasks in parallel and increase the efficiency of whatever problem we’re trying to solve.


Install Conveyor with pip install parallel-conveyor.

A quick and trivial example

Let’s say we wanted to build a short pipeline that computed the fourth root of a number (done in two steps) and the cube of a number (in one step). In this case, we would describe this pipeline visually as such:


To express it with Conveyor, we simply build the pipeline as follows

from conveyor.pipeline import Pipeline
from conveyor.stages import Processor, Pipe, ReplicatingFork, Join
from math import sqrt

def square_root(arg):
    return sqrt(arg)

def cube(arg):
    return arg ** 3

with Pipeline() as pl:
    # Duplicate the input

    # On first copy, compute the sqrt, on the second, the cube
    pl.add(Processor(square_root), Processor(cube))

    # On first copy, compute the sqrt, on the second, do nothing
    pl.add(Processor(square_root), Pipe())

    # Join the two data streams

    # Print the results

    # Run the pipeline with three different inputs[16, 3, 81])
$ python3